Our offerings
Invasive species are one of the biggest threats to biodiversity. Many of them have a short time window when they can be effectively removed. This creates a high demand for active seasonal workers to search and destroy sightings of lupine, Himalayan balsam and other invasive plants. Sounds perfect for crowdsourcing!
Crowdsorsa mobile game gathers the citizens together to find or even fight against harmful species in their neighborhoods and beyond. The repelling of each sighting is repeated every few weeks, until new invasive plants no more appear in the area.
Not only is our approach extremely effective, it comes with full documentation as well. We produce accurate data about the location, area size, density and the species of each repelled sighting. The clients also get access to our intuitive video service to view the before and after footage of any sighting marked on the map.
@mtvuutiset Kesätyötä vailla? Revi lupiineja maasta rahaa vastaan! 💚 Uusi Crowdsorsa-sovellus palkitsee rahalla kenet tahansa vieraslajien tuhoamisesta. 🤑💰 Haitallisten vieraslajien hävittäminen on vaikeaa ja siksi sitä yritetään nyt ulkoistaa kaikille, joilla on käytössään kamerakännykkä ja luppoaikaa. Lue lisää bion linkistä! 🔗☝🏻 vieraslajit crowdsorsa kesätyöt mtvuutiset
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Crowdsorsa is a mobile application that can be used to attack alien species that threaten Finnish nature. In the game, you search for and destroy alien plants, instead of points, the reward is real money.
The idea of the application developed by Crowdsorsa from Tampere is to mobilize the fight against harmful alien species.
– The main idea is to be able to make a cost-effective system where the removal of small islands could be done efficiently, says CEO Toni Paju from Crowdsorsa.
If the cities gave a contractor the task of finding and destroying small stands of giant balsam or lupine, the work would be very expensive.
– Most of the working time would be spent searching for small deposits. If, on the other hand, a person destroys small deposits in his neighborhood during his evening run, the work can be done… Read more on MTV uutiset
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